Transforming Talent into Triumph: Mastering Your First 90 Days as a Leader

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There’s a particular moment in the leader’s journey that challenges just about everyone I’ve ever met, and it can occur again and again if we don’t recognize the moment for what it is. 

The transition.

In past issues, we’ve explored the leader transition that happens when a founder secedes or a beloved CEO retires. This month, I want to talk about the front end: when a high-performing individual is catapulted into leading a team for the first time. It can be hard to push the “I believe” button and feel confident stepping into that new and bigger role. 

My own journey was complicated by receiving a promotion over a colleague vying for the same position, who I was then responsible for “managing.” 

Talk about the school of hard knocks. 

If only I had had a roadmap to support my best intentions instead of being driven by fear and insecurity. 

I meet with leaders nearly every week who are experiencing the cognitive dissonance of balancing their performance and success as frontline producers with the diffuse, legislative, and murky waters of managing a team AND getting results.

These exploratory coaching conversations have left me wondering what a 90-day action plan could look like to support leaders in a way that fuels their confidence and focus during this pivotal moment in their careers. I’ve been obsessively noodling on this question for the past few days. The pain is real, people! For those who know my planning heart, it won’t surprise you that my antidote is to create clarity, harness the adage from Brene Brown to DIG deep = “get deliberate, inspired, & going,” and then write it down. 

While there are many approaches—some more effective than others—there are actionable practices that can help.

Let’s walk through a few of them. I’ll be putting more thought into this topic and prototyping a plan template, which I will be happy to share with anyone interested (feel free to contact me at

Day 1 – 30: Build the Foundation

Be courageous and collaborate with the team to set the stage for success. Name it and claim it. Your colleagues are often hungry to make a positive and meaningful difference. Assume that good intent and follow these three guiding principles.

  1. Go from “me” to “we”
  2. Focus on the relationships – connect, socialize, communicate
  3. Set clear expectations and goals. I love this template for getting a team focused, aligned, and into action

Day 30 – 60: Boost Team Dynamics

  • Embrace a growth mindset – we’ve talked about it before, and I’ll say it again – become a curious anthropologist. Ask questions rather than adopting a “fake it ‘til you make it” mindset
  • Lead by example – humility wins
  • Adapt your leadership style – this is where psychometric analytics (DISC, MBTI, Kolbe A, etc.) come in handy. Several of our clients write a short, positive manifesto to help them discern their leadership style for the current setting

Day 60 – 90: Drive Performance and Sustain Momentum

  • Focus on building a positive team culture – this is ongoing and, like a garden, needs regular tending (and weed pulling)
  • Manage time and priorities – yes, this means boundary setting!

Now, for all those who say, “I don’t have time to plan because there’s too much to do,” I promise you that it will be a relief to get thoughts out of your head, onto paper, and into action. 

Transitioning into a leadership role can be a wild ride—full of twists, turns, and a few bumps along the way. With a clear 90-day action plan and the courage to embrace new challenges, you’ll confidently navigate the transition. Remember, it’s not just about managing tasks or ticking boxes. It’s about building relationships, fostering a growth mindset, and creating a thriving team culture that moves mountains.

And, if you ever feel like you’re in over your head, dig deep (thanks, Brené!). Planning doesn’t have to be a chore—it’s a powerful tool to turn chaos into clarity. So, grab a pen, write it down, and watch your leadership journey transform from daunting to downright exhilarating. 

Lead it like you mean it, friends!


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Hey there, I'm Kimberley

Welcome! I believe our social sector organizations are at the forefront of making here better. With more than 33 years of diversified fundraising and nonprofit experience, I partner with courageous organizations committed to building clarity and confidence. Let’s connect and chart your nonprofit’s path to thriving. 

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